Monday, February 1, 2010

I like blogs

I like blogs. I have several that I check regularly. Most of them belong to friends whose families I love to keep up with but rarely get to see. Sometimes they are just regular day to day stuff and then, sometimes they keep me on the edge of my seat. I, for example, am currently waiting on Bridget's next update about Princess's bedroom redo. I can't wait to see what's next! Seriously. Bridget has a great sense of style and this room... well the walls themselves are just fantastic!!
Another blog I follow belongs to a sweet friend who has recently lost a child. Her heart for God and walk through grief is captivating. I love to read about all the truths God is revealing to her and all the hilarious things her youngest boy says.
Our friends who are on the mission field also have a blog. Their updates about the culture and people they are experiencing always broaden my view of God's "children." We miss them.
Well, all that to say, I like blogs. And, so, I have decided to TRY to start writing on here more regularly. There is something cathartic about getting your thoughts "out there"; no matter what those thoughts are. And there is definitely something to be said for that feeling of CONNECTION with people whose blogs you read, or who read yours.
So , there it is. My renewed committment to blogging. Not just reading, but doing!! :)

Hopefully, I will be back here soon.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Better Halves and Burnt Spaghetti Sauce

This week I am incomplete. My better half is in Mexico building houses. He has been gone since yesterday and already it seems like I have a million things to tell him. You know, all those little things you tell each other in passing that don't seem like much until there's no one to tell them too. JD keeps asking when Daddy will be home and I just tell him, "remember, Daddy's on a trip." So at one point today he said, "when he gets through tripping, Daddy will come home." Pretty funny.
Mondays are pretty busy for us. I have a meeting at 5 and JoJo (the girl) has dance from 5:30 until 6:15. Getting dinner without eating out is sometimes hard to coordinate. But today was going to be the day. I started the sauce for the spaghetti at 3:45... knowing that when it was done, I could put it on the warmer and it would be great for dinner. So, I started it. And then I went to take a shower. And since everyone was playing happily, I decided to blow dry my hair AND brush my teeth. I know... I got greedy. As I was turning off my hairdryer, I smelled it. A strange stench coming from the other part of the house. And I thought.... well I can't tell you what I really thought because that might tarnish your opinion of me. :) Needless to say, they weren't good thoughts. So I went to the kitchen and sure enough, there was the smell, coming from the sauce. I took off the lid and was genuinely surprised to find spaghetti sauce very stuck to my non stick pot. Yuck.
Later, as I was scraping the contents of the pot into the trash can, I thought of my better half. And how un-disturbed he would have been by the whole event. He is so much more even tempered than me that it really balances out nicely. When he called earlier tonight I told him about it and he just chuckled and said, "I'm sorry, babe." And that was it. I can't wait for him to get home.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gang Activity and Hostile Takeovers

I am writing in red because it's Christmas. Just so you know.

On Wednesday nights at church, the kids are divided into age groups and each group has their own color. My middle child, "JD," is in the Orange group. They wear orange shirts. JD has come to identify his "gang" as only "the orange shirts." He says things like, "the orange shirts dance like this" followed by some fancy new moves he's learned. :) It is funny to me that he rarely refers to individuals in his "posse." But, according to him, the orange shirts are the "more awesome" group. He's almost 3 and he's already in a clique. :)

Now, on to the hostile takeover. Our "master" bathroom is anything but masterful. It is small with a vanity that's about 2 1/2 ft by 18 inches. This is frustrating to me, not only as a woman, but as a clutter-y woman. Last night I went into our bathroom and thought, "why is all of this stuff ALL over the counter?" And then, as I perused the items I saw my flat iron, my shampoo, my mousse (that I only got out because I thought I might use it, but did not), my make up bag, my hairbrush, my face wash. The only things on the counter that belonged to my sweet husband were confined to a small basket that I have deemed his "space." Yikes. Up until the last week or so, I had been doing a pretty good job keeping my stuff put away, but here lately...
Sorry, babe. I didn't mean to takeover our limited space... thanks for not saying anything. And if it's been longer than a week... thanks in advance for not pointing that out to me after you read this. :)

Tonight, we are joyfully attending our oldest's (ummm, let's call her JoJo, because she says that would be her nick name if she got to choose) first official dance recital. It is going to be LOTS of fun. Last night we went to her school Christmas program. It was very cute and except for the part where JC (the youngest) spit up chicken sticks and carrots all over my husband, it was pretty great.

Hope all of you are enjoying all of the little "joys" of the season.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Angry kisses

Ok... this is gonna be short. Just to update you all... my 3 children are all on the mend from an attack of ear infections and colds. They are all fine. Jacob was the worst off and he is currently refusing to go sleep by pretending that he is about to crawl. Who would put a kid to bed when they're on the verge of greatness? (I'm sure that's what he's thinking).
Now, about the title. We just finished watching Grey's Anatomy a little earlier ( I know, think what you will... I can still love Jesus and pretty doctors locked in unbelievable drama week after week). Anyway... there is something that often occurs in movies and on TV that I cannot relate with. The Angry Kiss. What is that about? I have never been so angry at someone or a situation that I must kiss the person closest to me. Have you? Seriously, I really want to know. I have been so angry that I wanted to HIT the person closest to me, but that just doesn't draw the audiences it used to, I guess. Well... that's it. Go and kiss someone close to you... preferably not because you're angry. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well, I'm back. Please, hold your applause until the blog is over. :) I already had in my mind what I was going to blog about and man, it was going to be funny. I started typing my very clever title and when I hit the space bar, it came up like this पूपलक्स!! What in the world?! So, I backspaced and retyped like 3 times, and still... jibberish. You know, I am new to this blogging thing and not particularly computery (obviously by my use of the word "computery") but EVEN I knew something was not right. So, I went to the tab that said settings, vaguely remembering a section about language, and I checked it, and it said... English. Well, clearly, that was not what was coming out of my computer. I went back and tried again... still jibberish. And then I went back to the settings and discovered a transliteration question. As in, "do you want your text translated as you type?" Apparently I did, and apparently I wanted it translated to Hindi. Which, if I or any of you spoke Hindi would indeed come in handy. Oh man, I just laughed out loud at that. Hindi... handy. Ha ha! I didn't even mean for it to come out that way.
Anyway, now all is well and in English and so, blogs must go on. But this one will have to go on tomorrow because I am going to steal my husband away from his other love.... the playstation. Hope you all are well and are stealing some time away with someone you love.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rock and Roll

Well, earlier when I strarted this blog, I was home alone with my middle child (we'll call him JD for the purposes of this blog) because he was not feeling well. The other 3 of our party went to church. Now, you must keep in mind as I tell this tale that this particular child is ALWAYS busy. Today, however, I noticed something about him was "off." My first concrete clue was when I bought him lunch at Sonic and he ate neither his chicken nor his "t-tots." He only drank a little of his milk. And so, I decided to pick him up and talk to him... and then I noticed; he was warm. Not the warm/sticky that seems to accompany all BUSY little boys that are 2 almost 3, but the kind of warm that suggested I should get out the thermometer. And so I did. And there it was... 101.6. Sigh. So I lured him to my bedroom with the promise of watching Barney, and put him to bed. He finally fell asleep... for about 30 minutes.... after which he cried for about 45 minutes. Ahhh, what great times.
Then, suddenly, while waiting for his daddy to bring him his re-warmed Sonic lunch, he said to me, "I feel smuch better!" HUH? He proceeded to eat all of his food and drink a fair amount of water and then demand to go to the "liviroom" and watch "TB" with his sister. And so he did. And he played with her and sqealed with her, and almost woke up his little brother with her. And then, the other 3 went to church. And it began again. "I doe not feel goodt!" (we think maybe he watches German movies when we're not looking). So, I put on the Wiggles, not just any Wiggles, mind you, but the CHRISTMAS Wiggles and he laid in the recliner for 42 minutes. And then, it happened.... again. "I feel smuch better! I am hungry for dinner."
So I made a PB and sugar free J, lovingly cut it into triangular 4ths, and served it with leftover Sonic milk. He would not eat it. He did however drink all of the milk and then proceeded to use the red Sonic straw as a guitar. (If you know him personally then you know that he can make one of anything a guitar, and two of anything drum sticks.) Then, he looked at me, no smile, no playful raising of the eyebrows, just pure, passionate, musicianship, and said, "Mama, let's rock."
Someday, I'm going to be a rockstar's mama. :)


Well, today I am starting my blog page. I have had different people from different parts of my life suggest that I do this... and I always think, "really?" I am not sure what it is about my life that people want to see in print (maybe it's for evidence?). Whatever the reason, I have decided to oblige. Mostly I am hoping that this will be a place I can record all the funny things my kids say and do that I can never find time to write down anywhere else.
So, if you have stumbled onto this blog expecting greatness.... you might want to keep stumbling. Otherwise, WELCOME. Here is my life according to... well... me, I guess.