Monday, February 23, 2009

Better Halves and Burnt Spaghetti Sauce

This week I am incomplete. My better half is in Mexico building houses. He has been gone since yesterday and already it seems like I have a million things to tell him. You know, all those little things you tell each other in passing that don't seem like much until there's no one to tell them too. JD keeps asking when Daddy will be home and I just tell him, "remember, Daddy's on a trip." So at one point today he said, "when he gets through tripping, Daddy will come home." Pretty funny.
Mondays are pretty busy for us. I have a meeting at 5 and JoJo (the girl) has dance from 5:30 until 6:15. Getting dinner without eating out is sometimes hard to coordinate. But today was going to be the day. I started the sauce for the spaghetti at 3:45... knowing that when it was done, I could put it on the warmer and it would be great for dinner. So, I started it. And then I went to take a shower. And since everyone was playing happily, I decided to blow dry my hair AND brush my teeth. I know... I got greedy. As I was turning off my hairdryer, I smelled it. A strange stench coming from the other part of the house. And I thought.... well I can't tell you what I really thought because that might tarnish your opinion of me. :) Needless to say, they weren't good thoughts. So I went to the kitchen and sure enough, there was the smell, coming from the sauce. I took off the lid and was genuinely surprised to find spaghetti sauce very stuck to my non stick pot. Yuck.
Later, as I was scraping the contents of the pot into the trash can, I thought of my better half. And how un-disturbed he would have been by the whole event. He is so much more even tempered than me that it really balances out nicely. When he called earlier tonight I told him about it and he just chuckled and said, "I'm sorry, babe." And that was it. I can't wait for him to get home.

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