Friday, December 19, 2008

Gang Activity and Hostile Takeovers

I am writing in red because it's Christmas. Just so you know.

On Wednesday nights at church, the kids are divided into age groups and each group has their own color. My middle child, "JD," is in the Orange group. They wear orange shirts. JD has come to identify his "gang" as only "the orange shirts." He says things like, "the orange shirts dance like this" followed by some fancy new moves he's learned. :) It is funny to me that he rarely refers to individuals in his "posse." But, according to him, the orange shirts are the "more awesome" group. He's almost 3 and he's already in a clique. :)

Now, on to the hostile takeover. Our "master" bathroom is anything but masterful. It is small with a vanity that's about 2 1/2 ft by 18 inches. This is frustrating to me, not only as a woman, but as a clutter-y woman. Last night I went into our bathroom and thought, "why is all of this stuff ALL over the counter?" And then, as I perused the items I saw my flat iron, my shampoo, my mousse (that I only got out because I thought I might use it, but did not), my make up bag, my hairbrush, my face wash. The only things on the counter that belonged to my sweet husband were confined to a small basket that I have deemed his "space." Yikes. Up until the last week or so, I had been doing a pretty good job keeping my stuff put away, but here lately...
Sorry, babe. I didn't mean to takeover our limited space... thanks for not saying anything. And if it's been longer than a week... thanks in advance for not pointing that out to me after you read this. :)

Tonight, we are joyfully attending our oldest's (ummm, let's call her JoJo, because she says that would be her nick name if she got to choose) first official dance recital. It is going to be LOTS of fun. Last night we went to her school Christmas program. It was very cute and except for the part where JC (the youngest) spit up chicken sticks and carrots all over my husband, it was pretty great.

Hope all of you are enjoying all of the little "joys" of the season.

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