Thursday, November 13, 2008

Angry kisses

Ok... this is gonna be short. Just to update you all... my 3 children are all on the mend from an attack of ear infections and colds. They are all fine. Jacob was the worst off and he is currently refusing to go sleep by pretending that he is about to crawl. Who would put a kid to bed when they're on the verge of greatness? (I'm sure that's what he's thinking).
Now, about the title. We just finished watching Grey's Anatomy a little earlier ( I know, think what you will... I can still love Jesus and pretty doctors locked in unbelievable drama week after week). Anyway... there is something that often occurs in movies and on TV that I cannot relate with. The Angry Kiss. What is that about? I have never been so angry at someone or a situation that I must kiss the person closest to me. Have you? Seriously, I really want to know. I have been so angry that I wanted to HIT the person closest to me, but that just doesn't draw the audiences it used to, I guess. Well... that's it. Go and kiss someone close to you... preferably not because you're angry. :)

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