Monday, February 1, 2010

I like blogs

I like blogs. I have several that I check regularly. Most of them belong to friends whose families I love to keep up with but rarely get to see. Sometimes they are just regular day to day stuff and then, sometimes they keep me on the edge of my seat. I, for example, am currently waiting on Bridget's next update about Princess's bedroom redo. I can't wait to see what's next! Seriously. Bridget has a great sense of style and this room... well the walls themselves are just fantastic!!
Another blog I follow belongs to a sweet friend who has recently lost a child. Her heart for God and walk through grief is captivating. I love to read about all the truths God is revealing to her and all the hilarious things her youngest boy says.
Our friends who are on the mission field also have a blog. Their updates about the culture and people they are experiencing always broaden my view of God's "children." We miss them.
Well, all that to say, I like blogs. And, so, I have decided to TRY to start writing on here more regularly. There is something cathartic about getting your thoughts "out there"; no matter what those thoughts are. And there is definitely something to be said for that feeling of CONNECTION with people whose blogs you read, or who read yours.
So , there it is. My renewed committment to blogging. Not just reading, but doing!! :)

Hopefully, I will be back here soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please blog more after your move to the big city....I will miss the crazy fun you guys create!
Love you guys!
Kelli Mussett